
Monday, November 26, 2012

My Outlet

It's been awhile...again.

I have been wanting to write more often than I have been because in the past this has been such a great outlet for me, and lately I have been feeling the need to have an outlet.

To be honest, that feeling has never truly left, and it pains me to admit that I have allowed myself to make excuses for not having time. I feel it means I am not making time for Lilly, which I know is not true, but my heart feels guilty anyway.  I know at times the reason I stopped writing here was because in those moments, I felt I no longer needed to vent about my grief as often as I was in the beginning.

I have often wondered if perhaps that's why I feel the first year of living without Lilly was in a way more manageable than this year has been, because I had an outlet.

I have been missing the moments of peace I would get. I feel like those are fewer and farther between than before. I can not even remember the last time I felt a moment of peace wash over me. I do remember feeling them as I wrote how I felt. So I hope in writing this I am able to feel a moment of peace again. The same peace I felt wash over me the day of her funeral.

I have gotten to the place where I cry when I talk about her. Maybe its guilt. I want to talk about her but feel joy not sadness. Maybe its a balance; I felt the joy more immensely than the sorrow and now its time for me to feel the sorrow more than the joy.

I still don't want her death to be more important than her life. I think that I am conflicted because what I want is not coincidung with how I feel.

I know I can't control it. I also know the pain is a reminder that she was physically here. I just feel sad.

Before Lilly I did not like the feeling of not being in control, and after she died I could accept that I am not in control easily. Now I am back to not liking that feeling. It's a lot more stressful feeling this way though. I miss letting go and trusting and accepting what is meant to happen will happen.

In a way I still feel that way, just not nearly as dominant as before.

I need to remind myself that it is ok to feel conflicted. There is no manual for losing a child. There is no right or wrong way, and grief changes and grows as we do. Losing a child is still new to me. I have a lifetime of learning how to live with it. I won't ever get it right, I will not get used to it, and that's ok. I am not meant to.


  1. (((hugs))) it's good to have somewhere to vent.

  2. I hope that writing on here helped you will never and could never forget your precious Lilly. No matter if you write here nor not. Don't feel guilty with whatever you need to do. I was glad to see you posted though. Much love and hugs and Merry Christmas, friend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment and for taking the time to read about my journey and most importantly about my daughter Lilly Elizabeth and her life. I love reading what you have to say.


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